Shareware, freeware & public domain software from m&g
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WTCHML10.ZIP 274K ENGWatchMail * On-line mail checking/filtering/deleting utility Automatically or manually check, filter and remove any unwanted spam, large or bulky messages directly from one or more mailboxes before you download them with your mail reader ! How many times you received unwanted and boring commercial mails in your mailbox ? Or, how many times you received large and unwanted attachments ? This little program can solve these problems easy and efficient ! You just need to configure it to work with one or more mailboxes and enter conditions that messages must match to be deleted and leave it to do the job ! With WatchMail you can check/delete messages manually or completely automatic - every time you connect Internet using dial-up or periodically in defined time intervals if you have permanent Internet connection or even periodically during dialup internet connection ! It can log deleted messages headers, retrieve complete message body, start mail reader (different for every mailbox - suitable for Eudora Light users) and much more ! ... And, it also can be used as a simple mail checker ... YOU MUST TRY THIS IF YOU USE E-MAIL ! Version 1.0 * * * FREEWARE ! Click to visit WatchMail web page ... WEBCMP10.ZIP 180K ENG WEBComp - WEB page changes tracker utility It can track changes manually or automatically when you establish Internet connection (auto-check feature), gives detail info about checked pages (date, size, and many more information retrieved directly from WEB server), supports multiple checks (more pages can be checked by one click), it can generate HTML file with tracking result and with links to URLs of checked pages and automatically opens it in your default WWW browser, it can automatically save source of checked page if there are some changes on it ... FREEWARE !
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AVIWAV35.ZIP 193K ENGAVI to WAV convertor Extracts sound from AVI and save it in WAV format Can diverse various audio codecs used in AVI (like PCM, DSP, GSM, MPEG L3 ...) + drag&drop support + 32-bit command line version for useage from BATCH files ... FREEWARE ! Version 3.5 - for WIN95/98/NT ! This release have new feature - SMART extraction mode For all details, see help files Presented in BUG No 74 (1/99) Visit AVI2WAV homepage HERE MIDIX097.ZIP 740K ENG
midiX * Universal MIDI Karaoke player and Karaoke creator Karaoke MIDI player that can play any known Karaoke MIDI file and display song lyrics in a various ways + easy-to-use Karaoke creator + skins + plug-in support for Netscape/MSIE. *** N E W R E L E A S E - more bugs fixed *** Version 0.97 for WIN95/98/NT * Postcardware * List of some features: Text can be shown in a different colors and fonts (normal text, intro, highlighted text, backgrounds ...) and in a different ways with a bunch of other interresting options for displaying Karaoke text that can be saved directly into MIDI file so every midiX user will have Karaoke text displayed as you defined, song text can be saved to a file, Karaoke text character conversion supported, user-defined text for displaying during instrumental part (multilingual- -different text can be defined for different languages), text timing gauge added and preview of next strophe so you always know when and what you need to sing, suitable for useage with software wavetable synthesizers (you can define correction index for displaying text and avoid annoying text delays), support playlists, skins for complete look change, contains powerfull Karaoke creator where you can add text into a MIDI file easy and quick as never before, detail help and Karaoke creator samples included ... and much more ! Visit midiX homepage at: NPMIDIX096.ZIP 290K ENG
midiX Karaoke Plug-in v0.96 * freeware Plug-in for Netscape, MS Internet Explorer and other compatible browsers - it can play Karaoke MIDI files and display Karaoke text in your web browser ! Support lot of midiX encapsulated settings and various parameters for controling text display (via EMBED tag). Also, you can change MIDI output, setup text correction index, see and save complete lyrics to a file, setup plug-in through Control Panel etc. ... Version 0.96 Visit midiX plug-in homepage at: ID3QUICK20.ZIP 141K ENG
Quick ID3 Tag Viewer * Version 2.0 * Freeware NEW RELEASE * NEW RELEASE * NEW RELEASE This little program integrates itself into Windows Explorer and enables you to see ID3 tags from one or more selected MP3 files. It is really easy and convinient for fast preview of MP3 information without need to load them into WINAMP or other MP3 player that can display ID3 tags. It support ID3v1 (standard MP3 tags) and ID3v2 (extended tags - supported from Winamp v2.666) SUBtoSSA.ZIP 281K ENG
SubRip/MicroDVD to Sub Station Alpha conversion utility Ultimate tool for converting two most common subtitle formats into SSA scripts. * Version 2.0 * Freeware Bug corrections and new features ! Converts from SubRip or MicroDVD subtitle files, support styles (fonts, colors, encoding ..), overriding styles with predefined and manual settings (for particular lines and/or part of text in lines), detecting longest line, autosizing, simple preview, projects, predefined styles ... ... and more ! Optimized for VirtualDub SSA subtitler plugin Visit SUBtoSSA homepage HERE
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FACES20.ZIP 135K ENG* NEW RELEASE * For WIN95 and NT - Often writes E-mail messages? :-) - Uses faces & smilies in them? :-) - It is hard to choose the right one between hundreds of them? :-( WELL, HERE IS THE SOLUTION: FACES AND SMILIES DICTIONARY with over 250 faces categorized in a different sections and very easy to use: just choose face or smiley and paste into your message or wherever you want ! Current version: 2.0 FIND function implemented and multilanguage support added - - now you can translate face descriptions to your lanugage ! This version contains English and Croatian face lists. TRY ! Presented in BUG No 74 (1/99) NOSSAV20.ZIP 146K ENG
Screen saver disabler/enabler Now many times you didn't want that screen saver bother you when you do something important ? Well, here is solution for your problems - "No Screen Saver!" "No Screen Saver!" can automatically disable screen saver when defined windows are opened and restore its original state when they are closed. Usefull, for example, when you writing a CD-ROM or doing some very CPU-required job on your PC when screen saver will only slow down process ... FREEWARE ! New version brings you improved way of deactivating screen saver - download and see ... PRIOR10.ZIP 150K ENG Change priority of applications in WIN9x Now you can change priority of applications in WIN9x manually or automatically when desired application start. PRIORITY also can: bring windows to top, make window 'Always on top' or turn 'Always on top' off, minimize or restore windows (even windows that has no minimize/restore button) etc. FREEWARE/E-MAILWARE * Current version: 1.0 START11.ZIP 14K ENG
For WIN3.1x and WIN95 Simulate WIN95-like START button on WIN 3.1x Current version: 1.1 beta SCRIPTZIP11.ZIP 410K ENG
Scripting ZIP Compression Utility for WIN9x/NT ScriptZIP is scripting ZIP compression utility that will make your alldays ZIPping easier ! It is suitable for backuping, automatic ZIP compression and other jobs that require compression of usually the same set of files. It uses scripts to compress files into ZIP archive so, practically, all you need is to define script with all neccessary options and use it every time you need. Supports include and exclude file lists (what you want and don't want to compress), password encryption, various compress options (method, level ...) for set of files or for each file, Round-Robin backup support for up to 7 copies, auto-testing feature, logging, errorlevels and various autostart modes (suitable for useage from batch files), configurable, detail samples and help included ... and much nore ! * Freeware * Current version: 1.1 Visit ScriptZIP homepage HERE !
Windows FTP Client in Borland Pascal
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MGFTP10.ZIP 24K ENG First FTP client for Windows written in Borland Pascal and with available source ! Current version: 1.0 >>> for details see M&G FTP page